Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Outside Loo Floor base gone!

It proved hard work, but 2 days effort has resulted in the old Outside Loo Floor being removed and neaely  a cubic metre of stone and concrete being taken out.
My Parkside pneumatic hammer came im really handy. As with most things experience and the right tools make the job easier, but nevertheless it was hard work and tiring.  
You will see a pile of granite stone which is about 1/2 of that excavated, as the rest has been taken to the front of the house to continue the renovation of the old dry stone wall, that hopefully Jacques  will continue!

So now onto removing the passage floor that I suspect is mostly concrete.  This will allow the preparation of the the new Garden Room Floor, once of course the external walls foundation is completed.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

New Windows and Doors

Renovation work on the house opposite our Grange is progressing well and I had the new Windows and Front Door installed today and all looking good. Now I need to strips, paint and rehang the shutters this summer after other tasks on my schedule are done!

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Garden Room Plans

On 1st June 2018 we submitted a Delclaration Prealable to provide an outline of the plans for the Garden Room to form a key part of the renovation of La Maison Grise-No8 and added to the existing extension previously used as the Boiler Room and planned to be converted to a Utility Room at the back of the house, as shown.

As the new extension will be below 20sqm there is no approval required, but the Marie needs to be informed to avoid issues.

Here below are some of the key plans as a part of the submission.

If all goes well, I plan to do the foundations and sub floor during this summer  and then the Window Framing and Roof .