Having planned my next visit for 30days late April and May 2023, the following are the key tasks still to complete and I think these can be accomplished during the next visit.
This would then mean the project is complete, or very nearly!
Having now worked out a task plan for the visit, I suspect there will not be enough time to complete the creation of the Cedar Shutters during this visit, but we shall see how things go.
Monday 24th April 2023 - Electric Run Tests
Started to sand the West Side Downstairs, but more filling is needed, so decided to complete the testing of all the electics. Tested all the lights again and then all the plug Sockets and Heat Mat runs. All checked out and working fine all over, so ready to tackle connection to the Fuse Box this week, once I have completed more research and checks on what to do.
Tuesday 25th April 2023 - Fuse Box Connection and Test
La Studio Fuse Box |
Planning pays off again! I managed to get all the cable connections for Lights and Sockets to the Fuse Box today. I checked the connections online and in La Maison first to verify what I had thoughts was the approach. After each fuse connection I switched La Maison fuse on and then La Studio, followed by the device fuse and then tested each. Success and relief that it went so well.Just need to fix the Heat Mat Thermostates up and downstairs tomorrow and wire up each and connect. Then some adjustment is needed to fit the outer cover and plasterboard to cover the cable feeds in the corner>
Friday 28th April 2023 - Boarding Fuse Box
Again, an successfully tested, although not set up. I only bought the low cost manual version for La Studio and might need to do a little location adjustment to the one upstairs, as there is not space to secure the screw underneath with the main beam in the way!
Upstairs Thermostat |
Downstairs Thermostat |
Thursday 27th April 2023 - Fuse Box Completion
Today was straightforward, once I had tidied up some of the cables and tested all the connections again. I then filled in with some more Insulated Plasterboard in the vertical corner and tomorrow will do the upper sections and have a go at fitting the Fuse Box Door, but is is confusing me at the moment.
Friday 28th April 2023 - Boarding Fuse Box
Again, an easy task finishign the boarding around the fuse box and giving the area a first Plaster Coat, having used Gedimat Adhesive Plaster to secure the Insulation Board. Will sand a give another coat next week.Also, adjusted the guttering and sealed all the joints I soldered before.
STRONG Post Support |
Tuesday 2nd May 2023 - Balustrade Tidy UpEasy day to tidy up the Balustrade beams and foot supports today. Sorted the metal pins at the bottom and ready to fit the Oak Dowels in each tomorrow. Sanded and cleaned the filling for the wall post and the galvanised rails.
Cleaned upstairs and downstairs to make it look less like a work site and will post picture of the finished result.
Wednesday 3rd May 2023 - Oak Dowel Pin Covers
Balustrade Oak Pegs |
Another good day, and firstly got the dowels cut and installed to tidy up the Balustrade as shown opposite. I also did some tidy up work on the internal main doors and window surrounds to cover the gaps left by SAS Adams when fitted. I am going to order 8 metres of Oak to finish some of the Insulation Board around some of the windows to make a nice finish.
Thursday 4th May 2023 - various small jobs
Went in search of getting smal oak battens 18x 55, but failed to find, so will have to venture to Leroy Merlin in Limoges tomorrow to finish some edges of plasterboard neatly next week.
I did get some door restrainers for the front & french doors and fixed them in place. I have also decided to try to get a 2.5m metal brace for the main beam in the Downstairs East Side room to enable me to cut the beam and create a little more headroom, if possible. Hopefully, Serru'Metal will be able to make two braces for both sides of the beam to be bolted together to provide the added strength!
Sunday 7th May 2023 - Oak Window Framing
Having collected the oak batons I needed from Leroy Merlin on Friday, I did some garden tasks yesterday and today just cut the batons to create a frame for the windows to finsh the insulated plasterboard edges. Will secure them tomorrow and fill the gaps to finish. Should create a good look, if all goes to plan!
Upstairs East Window |
Downstairs East Window |
Upstairs East Glased Panel |
I also figured out how to connect the Fuse Box Door and have created a thin framing for around the box that I will paint white to match the wall.
Monday 8th May 2023 - Oak Window Framing Fix
Got all the Internal Oak Window Framing fixed to tidy up the plasterboard edges.
Front Window Upper |
Front Door Upper |
East Hayloft Frame |
East Glased Frame |
Tuesdy 9th May 2023 - Various Odd Job Tidy Up
Decided to use the spare Oak to create an Inner Frame to the Hayloft and Downstairs East Front Window to hide the gaps of the existing old Oak Supports. Has turned out really good and created a good finish.
Also, used the last of the Gedimat Adhesive Mortier to finish the wall edges where the insulated plasterboard meets the exposed stone. Tomorrow I will do a fine plaster coat over these areas.
Having checked the measurements, I haved ecided to use the old front door rain cover that I saved and install it over the La Studio Front Door tomorrow.
Wednesday 10th May 2023 - Plaster Edges & Rain Cover
Used up the last of the Fine Plaster to finish the boarding edges by the central rendered exposed stone wall.
Cleaned up and checked all ok with the Door Rain Cover and fixed above the front door of La Studio as shown. Really pleased with the result, recycling the unit and the rain today enabled me to verify the effectiveness!
Cover over Front Door |
Cover Protection |
Thursday 11th May 2023 - East Side Window Frame & Ledge
In between rain showers I manged to use some quick dry cement to tidy up the internal window ledges of the little glased and hayloft window today and create both an internal and extenal Oak Frame for the little glased window. Tomorrow I will seal and fix this window framing to make weather proof and paint the external frame.
Hayloft Window Ledge |
External Glased |
Friday 12th May 2023 - East Side Window Frame & Ledge
External East Glased Window |
In between the rain shower storms this morning, I managed to fix the external frame of the East Glased Window, seal it and give one coat of paint. Having fixed the internal frame as well, I just need to finish off tomorrow and all is done for this visit.
Next week the focus will be on the garden and hedges.
Now the only major task left is the job of apply more finishing plaster to the ceiling upstairs and then sanding and painting, but that will be for the Summer Visit.