Summer 2023 Gardens Task List
Here are the various garden tasks I hope to have completed during the summer visit, inaddition to the La Studion Tasks litsted below.
7-15th June 2023
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La Studio Task List |
However, the work on La Studio is nearing completion and here below are the tasks remaining and planned over the next 4 months.
Thursday 8th June 2023 - Guttering Fix
Arrived yesterday after a great drive through the night and got the grass trimmed in both gardens to make it manageable!.
As planned, succeeded in getting another coat of Fine Plaster to the insulation board joints to level the walls and ceilings in both upstairs rooms. Before starting I used the spirit level to check each section and must I done a better job than I thought last time, so it proved less work than I expected.Also did a test run of fine mesh on 1/3rd of the front top wall behand the guttering and along the beam under the tiles to restrict rodents access. It worked, so will complete in the front and rear during the summer.
Friday 9th June 2023 - Front Window Shutter
Succeeded in getting the Front Window Shutter made and hung today. Already had all the lengths needed cut in the UK as needed, so that I coudl fit in the car. I glued the T&G lengths and then fixed the new brace hinges. However, whilst I had tested one of the new hinges against the original old top hinge pin, I then discovered the bottom pin was slightly too fat! I managed to eventually increased the bottom female hinge to fit and needed to do a little adjustment to the cedar, but got is fitted. I bit more adjustment will be needed, but looking ok and is really light compared to using exotic wood or oak.
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Front Window Shutter |
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Open View |
Also measured the Front Door Shutter and glued the lengths of cedar to leave overnight and will repeat the fitting exercise over the weekend, before doing the rear French Doors next week.
Saturday 10th June 2023 - Front Door Shutter
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Front Doors Installed |
So they both open onto the central wall and overlap. Few minor adjustments are needed and a form of securing once both are open is needed!
Looking good and will go Sliver Grey in the sun and not need any treatment and a very lite.
Sunday 11th June 2023 La Maison Rear Shutter
Made an early start, before doing a tidy up of the garden and assembled & glued together the cedar lengths for the rear French Doors of La Studio and the rear La Masion Door. So now all ready to be able to complete and hang both tomorrow.
Monday 12th June 2023
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Maison Rear Shutter |
Still a little adjustments to complete once the hinges are secure, but not much work today now and might leave it until August so that I can do some more in the gardens the next 2 days before my return to the UK.
Wednesday 14th June 2023 - Garden Tidy
Have tidied up in both gardens and they are looking good. Have decided to invest in a Sthil iMOW robot lawnmower for La Grange and took this short video of La Grange Jardin to show BR-Pro for the installation to be able to get the grass cut all year round when not there! Google helped me accurately calculate that it was are area of nearly 800sqm.