It was a big surprise that by mid June considerable progress had been made and the end was really in sight. At this time the following had been completed in 4 weeks:
*Chimney Pipe was installed for the Wood Burning Stove*
*Second fit electrics were in and our light fittings installed, both inside and outside.
*The galvanised Guttering was installed.
*The pathway and drive aggregate was in around the Grange
*The fosse was all installed and the field landscaped a little!
*The Buderus Oil Boiler had been installed and was operational
*Under floor heating had been completed and the floor tiles were looking great downstairs.
*Final fit plumbing was in the process of being done.
We had a project meeting as normal, but the major point of discussion was the Oak Staircase, which had not been delivered, and had not even been started. After some involved discussions on the precise requirements we were assured that is would be completed and installed by the time we visited for the Summer Holidays on 25th July 2006. For the first time I was worried and concerned.