- Scrub clean and clear the Upstairs Floor Joints
- Sand the Upstairs Floors
- Sand dust Glue the Floors
- Oil Tint Floors upstairs
- Cut and fix all upstairs skirting
- Sand Stairs
- Tung Oil Treatment stairs before leaving
- Downstairs Floor Leveling, if workman arrive!
and if there is time:
- Glue and fix Oak Window Cills
- Hang Electric Radiators
- Final fill and paint landing wall
Thursday 5th December 2019
Had a day yesterday planting new Laurel to replace the damaged Box-Buxus that have been attacked twice now and today undertook a clean up of the Upstairs Floorboards, in preparation for sandy over the weekend and then filling and treating them with a OSMO Oil Tint next week.
I used a chisel to follow along the joint to disrupt and remove the muck in between, then gave the boards a deep brush with a stiff broom and vacuumed the dust and dirt up to remove.
Bed 1 |
Bed 3 |
Landing |
Saturday 7th December
Having collect the Belt Floor Sander last night from Leroy Merlin in readiness for 3 days work, it is true the Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men.... go wrong!
This morning the sander just gave out a mild groan, rather than a ROAR when plug in and despite all of my prep, planning and attempts it fails to perform.
Having return it to the wonderful staff at LM, and it ROARING there, it became clear that a short and thick extension cable was needed.
I had to abort my plans and will need to wait until the full electrics are activate in La Maison, as I cannot rely on just the extension cable form Grange Grise to provide the power needed!!
So on to a series of small jobs .....
Tuesday 10th December 2019
Spent 2 days doing some small jobs and filling, including the Bottle Gaz pipe from the Utility to Cuisine, but also managed to fit all the Radiators and Heated Towel Rails to all rooms. These are Sauter Inertia Fluid units, with Thermostats and Timers, including the Loo and Bath Room one that has a heater blower included.
Just need to source a Horizontal wide low level one now for the Garden Room wall by the alcove.
Loo |
Bedroom 3 |
Landing |
Bed 2 |
Wednesday 11th December 2019
You don't realise the packaging waste created until you remove it all from the radiators installed and then have to take it down to the refuse dump!
It is now too cold to do too much, as the glues, pastes and fillers do not cure properly in these conditions. So today I connected all the Radiators to the electric sockets and they are ready for when the electric get activated.
Have tried to complete the Consuel of Conformity application to have an inspection and get the Certificate needed to have EDF supply. It is not easy, but I will continue to complete and hopefully get it off next week.
Decided I will cut all the Skirting Board now for all rooms and can then spray it when the weather is warmer and fit once the downstairs leveling is down and sanding upstairs.