Removal of the Mud Ceiling was completed by Friday last week in both downstairs rooms and proved easier than expected. These ceiling were a traditional wooden lather and mud construction laid upon the horizontal beams across the voids. Once the first sections of each were removed the rest were very straight forward, albeit a bit messy & dusty as I let the debris fall to the ground floor.
I thought I could use the wooden lathe and mud to repair some of the platform in the Barn, but discovered that the lathes are too small and longer lengths will be required. In clearing the debris today, I realised it would have been useful to lay some tarpaulin before to make shovelling easier!

Once exposed it was clear that the last ceiling bean at the rear abo
ve the breeze block section was rotten, if fact upon inspection it is clear that there was a wood burner in the middle wall corner at some point with a chimney through the old roof here and the beam is burnt, requiring a new beam or central section to be replaced. Over the weekend I realised that once blocks are removed and a new rear Glazed Door is installed it will not only allow light in downstairs, but in the upper floor if I installed a glass floor section 70x100cm in this area and i have found a company who will provide the tempered glass to do the job, once everything is prepared and final measurement are available.
Props have been installed to support the damaged last beam and the roof section above the breeze blocks that will be removed to make the new door opening, once the old oil tank support base is removed.. Hopefully with a pneumatic jack hammer I will hire this weekend.
I was able to take some initial measurements of the existing floor levels once the debris was removed and concluded that whilst the floor drops down slightly towards the front the level can be adjusted when I install the Sand Base, before laying the DPC and Polystyrene to create the new 17cm floor on top of the firm stone foundation that has been there for circa 100years.This picture also shows the ladders where the stairs to the loft rooms will be. This is at the rear against the middle wall in a void created by removal of a broken floor beam, that is the right space ad avoid have to install a replacement beam. I have found some cheap wooden stairs 60cm wide that will fit fine in the space and all clearances seem fine.