Thursday, 23 June 2022


 Summer 2022 Task List - Plan

Having returned to the UK and reviewed the work completed, I have prepared a plan for the task to be undertake during the August to September Visit program as follows:

Hopefully, I will be able to complete these tasks and then all that will be needed in Autumn 2022 will be to make and hang Cedar Shutters and Grout Render to seal the exterior, whilst retaining the stone appeal!

FRIDAY 24th June 2022 - External Shutters

Have ordered the wood for all the Door and Window Shutters, including the large Rear Garden Room Window. I have decided to use Red Cedar Wood, as this will not need treatment, will provide protection and importantly is light and will fade to shade of grey. I want to only have a single folding shutter on each end and the 4.2m Garden Room Window; the lightness should make it feasible. Enough has been ordered for the rear door of La Maison as well. The total material cost should work out significantly less than the cost getting them made.

I will construct these over the Autumn/Winter period  although I still have to source the right hinges and lock mechanisms to be used for each shutter.

FRIDAY 15th July 2022 - Cedar Wood Delivery

As expected, the Cedar Wood for the Shutters arrived yesterday and I have cut near to size for each to be able to place in the car for the journey over to Colondannes in August.

Now have 2.1m, 1.6m and 1.4m lengths that are T&G, as well as some plain 1.5m lengths for the Garden Room Shutters, to allow them to fold.  All are slightly over length, which will allow me to assemble each shutter for the doors and windows before trimming to size and level each.  Really pleased with the quality.

The oils in cedar protect the wood against decay, which makes the material ideal in even the muggiest climates. Outdoor cedar furniture also resists bacterial and fungal growth. Cedar has tiny pockets of air inside the grain of the wood, and those air pockets protect the wood from changes in temperature.